There is water on the windows.
It happens when warm humidity touches cool glass.
This week might be the last warm week before cold sets in for good.
The windows might be swampy for a few more days.
I long to build a crackling fire.
I want to turn on the heat and smell that first season burn.
“It’s been the same season long enough,” I tell myself.
She was learning something new. Wide eyed, eager to try the unfamiliar and intimidating, not knowing she would receive such a fast return for her courage.
She mixed and rolled, twisted and waited. Something sound was taking shape from such modest components as warm water, flour and yeast.
Front Porch Theology exists to encourage the humble pursuit of knowing God as He is revealed in the Bible through storytelling and contemplation.
About Front Porch Theology
I enjoy the little things like sitting on my front porch with a hot cup of coffee, peeking into creation and finding inspiration from a Good God. I long for deeper conversations than the norm of surface level chatter and diving into the only words that are abundantly transformative, God’s Words found in the pages of the Bible.
Front Porch Theology is a place for those conversations. A safe place of encouragement found in the deeper Truths about God through the often commonplace stories of life.
I had a dream that my husband and I were looking to buy a house and we found one we really liked. The only problem with this particular house was that the previous owner had written “happy” across the front of the house in thick white paint. In my dream, we discussed painting over it, and we questioned why anyone would do such a thing, especially before putting it on the market.
That was it. That was my dream.
When I woke up, it got me thinking.
What would you find in a “happy” house?
What is it about my own home that brings me happiness?