Be Still
Stillness is the quiet expectation of worship, Goodness pouring forth, preparing me for what lies ahead.
Even in the darkness there is anticipation of light. Stillness, waiting for light to peak over the horizon, east.
Lifting my eyes, tuning my ears to the sound of Hope often frail, never absent.
There is this nagging feeling of emergency that produces panic, a loudness to our busyness that muffles the gentle whisper of God.
Is there anything out of His hand?
Is storm or attack able to replace Him as our constant refuge? Is there comfort that cannot be found in His soothing Word?
There is a certain place where everything seems right, where Truth washes over the dryness of my heart and wakes me up to His presence. I am convinced of His love and care in this place.
But what of minute by minute?
Second by second that march on tirelessly one after the other, filling a day to fullness?
Stilling my mind that is aching to run wild towards the wrong things.
Stilling my pace, because there are few emergencies. Saving the rush for those few, slowing down for rest.
Stilling my panic when emotions dance unbridled with shallow breath and beating heart.
Stilling my fear, unknowns are the way of this life, trust is something we all share whether we know the object of it or not.
“Even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling.
Pause and think for a moment about Who He is and what He has done.
Be still. And Know.
These are the words that drip, like honey, over the top of my circumstance. Running down through the gaps of my faith. Growing faith strong and making doubt weak.
Trusting that I am safe in His hand and this is where I learn to breathe deep.
Pause and think about Who He is.
Minute by minute and second by second. Day by day, into the weeks, months and years. This is the way of our faith.
This is the expectation of our worship fulfilled. Goodness pouring forth, preparing me for what lies ahead.